A Discussion Amongst Men of Faith and Creed
Wednesday, March 10: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
ENG 103 in the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre, 245 Church Street, Ryerson University, Toronto
As part of 'White Ribbon Pledge Week at Ryerson University from Monday March 8th - Friday March12th
A dynamic panel of speakers will be coming to Ryerson to reflect on male role models they had or did not have, how their teachings and path helped them define what being a man truly is, and share stories from their experiences.
Moderator - Tuval Dinner, Youth Programs Manager at the White Ribbon Campaign.
Keynote Speech by Imam Khalid Latif
Imam Khalid Latif is Chaplin for the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and Executive Director and Chaplain (Imam) for the Islamic Center at New York University (NYU). http://www.icnyu.org/
DJ Danforth
DJ is a proud 25 year-old Native young man from the Oneida Nation. He is currently the Youth Cultural Coordinator for the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin, and sings with drum groups Elk Soldier and Tha Tribe. DJ has also written for masc!
Brandon Hay
Brandon is Executive Director of the Black Daddies Club.
BDC adresses issues facing the Black Community as a whole. The main goal is to change the image of the black father in the media, from a neglectful figure to a responsible, involved and loving role model. www.blackdaddiesclub.com/
From mascmag.com (via RyersonWRC)
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